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Haomei trailer concrete pump container shipments exported abroad

Jun 24, 2016

Haomei trailer concrete pump container shipments exported abroad

Haomei machinery equipment CO., LTD. developed by trailer concrete pump operation system used in all automation, more than expected, mix, high pressure pump as a whole; simple, stable performance. Dual-cylinder hydraulic pumping system, the hydraulic systems greatly improve the overall reliability of the machine, ensure that the pump under demanding conditions and strive to secure work.

Mixing Drum mixing device of ring gear drive, hopper by the taper on the motor drive, hopper and the mixing Drum reversing by electronic control. Low energy consumption, compact structure, stable operation, reliable transmission, operation simple, mixing good quality, high efficiency, high level of automation.

Haomei trailer concrete pump performance characteristics:

1, an open loop hydraulic system, system pressure is low, no accumulator and other vulnerable components;

2, optimum design of arc-shaped Hopper, inhalation of high efficiency;

3, relay-type integrated electric control system is simple and reliable;

4, carbide glass plate, the cutting ring, high hardness, long life, can repair, the use of low cost;

5, independent cooling systems, high efficiency, easy to use;

6, manual lubrication system, fuel efficient and reliable to ensure that turns life;

7, exports of high-pressure, to meet the high-rise building construction and long-distance transmission;

8, roller friction wheel by gears, reliable does not slip;

9, electric control cabinet equipped with a wired remote control handle, easy to operate;

10, with anti-pumping function, limit reduced pipe blockage.

Mixing pump is mixing concrete and concrete machine, at the same time, simple structure, easy transfer, construction of various mixing and construction of pumping. While our concrete mixer concrete pump is also exported, shipped in container, safe and convenient, low shipping cost. Welcomed by foreign. Customers from all countries to visit in Southeast Asia and Africa order.

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