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Common malfunctions and their elimination methods of concrete plant control systems

Jun 14, 2016

In order to ensure the normal operation of concrete batch plant equipment, control systems should be installed an appropriate power supply, to ensure your computer's power supply is stable.


1, computer instruction continues stopping ingredients.

2, automatic working condition, weighing bucket is not ingredients.

3, the computer cannot record data in a timely manner, resulting in loss of information.

Common malfunctions and their elimination methods of concrete plant control systems


Parameter 1, control instrumentation, sensor Junction has a foreign object stuck or ingredients, causing ingredients all the time.

2, mixing machine unloading doors are all closed limit switch damage or shifting, certain aggregates without ingredients.

3 ① online mode to manual mode second computer virus c data to fill in incomplete about electromagnetic interference; II force quit the program; f operating system version is not correct,

Treatment methods:

1, cyclophosphamide in the corresponding ingredient on the instrument panel and press MODE and the TARE and ZERO terminated ingredients, correcting parameter second check the sensor, the scales in a State of movement;

2, 1) check the switch, replaced or adjusted fixed. 2) start "ingredient" was fed to semi-automated way to finish the current batch production. 3) check the wiring, replace the relay.

3, ① avoided the control mode from [Online] switch to [manual], the correct action is to start [automatic] switch to [semi]; Secondly, effective antivirus software Avira ③ production data in the form should be completed about checking meters and signal interference; not allowed to exit the program II production; f using WindosXP Professional Edition operating system requirements.

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