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Haomei News

Automatic hydraulic brick machine

Jun 23, 2020
Haomei Machinery produce different types of automatic hydraulic brick machine with high quality steel raw materials, adopts reasonable formulas. The new type of hydraulic brick machine with automatic control system uses hydraulic transmission as the production power, the new type hydraulic brick machine has the advantages of silent, static pressure mode, no noise, high output, high density, no need for pallet maintenance, short maintenance period, less personnel, no requirements for working ground.

 automatic hydraulic brick machine

The new type automatic hydraulic brick machine has the fastest production speed and saves equipment purchase costs. The advanced new type brick making machine equipment can produce a plate of cement block in 15 seconds. The bricks or blocks produce by one plate are 4-12. The brick machine has a reasonable design, small footprint, the produced block is neatly shaped, and has high precision. The new type of automatic brick machine has fast production speed and can be directly palletized.
Now the automatic hydraulic brick machine adopt a new type of integrated automatic hoist. It occupies a small space and has a high speed. It directly enters the bottom of the mixer to discharge, directly into the elevator, and is fed into the main machine hopper. It is easy to change the mold, the noise is small. The workers are very simple to operate, but the technology is very advanced. The brick products produced can be directly stacked. The density is good, the shape is standard, the number of worker is small. The hydraulic system is all seamless steel tube connection, with high pressure and fast speed.
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